VBA GET And POST Examples

VBA GET And POST Examples

Just a quick post showing how to use VBA to make REST API calls, these examples are making calls to an AWS End Point, which requires an API key.


The Get method, Gets all rows from the database.

Sub CATMain()

    Const APIkey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    Dim httpReq As Object
    Set httpReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

    Dim rootURL As String, EndpointURL As String

    rootURL = "https://xxxxxxxxx.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com"
    EndpointURL = rootURL & "/Prod/v1/xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    With httpReq
        .Open "GET", EndpointURL, False
        .setRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"
        .setRequestHeader "x-api-key", APIkey
        Debug.Print .Status, .statusText
        Debug.Print .responseText
    End With
End Sub


The Post method also takes in a JSON string, this could be loaded from a file.

Sub CATMain()
    Dim Json As String
    Json = "{" & Chr(34) & "macroName" & Chr(34) & " : " & Chr(34) & "GreatestMacroEver" & Chr(34) & _
            " , " & Chr(34) & "macroRevision" & Chr(34) & " : " & Chr(34) & "Z.1" & Chr(34) & _
            " ," & Chr(34) & "userName" & Chr(34) & ": " & Chr(34) & "ruby.murry" & Chr(34) & _
            " ," & Chr(34) & "computerName" & Chr(34) & ": " & Chr(34) & "abc-rmurry" & Chr(34) & _
            " ," & Chr(34) & "partNumber" & Chr(34) & ": " & Chr(34) & "PN012345678" & Chr(34) & _
            " ," & Chr(34) & "partRevision" & Chr(34) & ": " & Chr(34) & "B.2" & Chr(34) & _
    Const APIkey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    Dim httpReq As Object
    Set httpReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

    Dim rootURL As String, EndpointURL As String

    rootURL = "https://xxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com"
    EndpointURL = rootURL & "/Prod/v1/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    With httpReq
        .Open "POST", EndpointURL, False
        .setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/json"
        .setRequestHeader "x-api-key", APIkey
        .send (Json)
        Debug.Print .Status, .statusText
        Debug.Print .responseText
    End With
End Sub

Patch and Delete

Patch and Delete in this case are identical to Post except we must change the REST verb, from POST to PATCH or DELETE.