VBScriptSend XML Data to a Web Service
I use this from within a CAD application to send XML data to an Amazon Web Services APIGateway which, calls a Lambda microservice written in C# to serialize the XML into a data structure and then write the information to a database.
The input is the raw XML string, and the output is the response from the API Gateway and Lambda function.
Sub main(iXML As String , oResponse As String) Dim result As String Dim myURL As String Dim winHttpReq As Object Set winHttpReq = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") myURL = "https://abcdef01223334.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/Prod" myURL = myURL & "/v1/ImportXML" With winHttpReq .Open "POST", myURL, False .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/xml" .setRequestHeader "X-API-Key", "123456abcd789456wetjgvs65w1ef65w1se1fw" .Send( iXML ) .waitForResponse 4000 result = .responseText End With oResponse.Value = result End Sub