I have seen posts from the author in the site for creating parametric datum elements (points&lines), but is there any way we can create a parametric axis system through EKL.
Sorry about the late reply, my site has been a round for many years and your the first to post anything, I'm a little shocked to be honest, thank you.
Great question, in later revisions of CATIA they did indeed add AxisSystem to the EKL datum objects. I have not tried to create a Datum Axis Systema and then convert it to a Parametric one, but an Axis System is not a geometrical element behind the scenes its a parameter. I know this is odd but pre-CATIA V5 R14 all geometrical objects were parameters not geometry types. For what ever reason Axis Systems didn't get converted.
So this is how to convert a point.
// ConvertDatumPointtoPointCoord( iPoint : Point ) : Void Let oGSMPoint ( GSMPoint ) Set oGSMPoint = iPoint oGSMPoint.PointType = "Coordinates" Let oGSMPointCoord( GSMPointCoord ) Set oGSMPointCoord = oGSMPoint oGSMPointCoord.X = iPoint->coord(1) oGSMPointCoord.Y = iPoint->coord(2) oGSMPointCoord.Z = iPoint->coord(3)
If the API is there in the latest release, and I will check on Monday, I would expect something similar to this.
// ConvertDatumAxisSystem( iAxisSystem : AxisSystem ) : Void Let oGSMAxisSystem ( GSMAxisSystem) Set oGSMAxisSystem = iAxisSystem oGSMAxisSystem.AxisSystemType = "Standard" Let oGSMAxisSystemStandard ( GSMAxisSystemStandard ) Set oGSMAxisSystemStandard = oGSMAxisSystem Set oGSMAxisSystemStandard.X = iAxisSystem.X Set oGSMAxisSystemStandard.Y = iAxisSystem.Y Set oGSMAxisSystemStandard.Z = iAxisSystem.Z