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C# Actions and Func’s
Within C# we can create a generic method that collects data and pass into that method either and ‘Action’ or a ‘Func’ to process that data. A good example of this might be a method that walks a product structure. we can pass into that method different ways to process that data.
The processor below contains three generic methods, the first two take in Actions without a parameter and the second with. The third method takes in a Func.
public class Processor { public void loopcounter(Action functionToProcess) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { functionToProcess(); } } public void loopcounter2(Action<int> functionToProcess) { for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { functionToProcess(i); } } public void loopcounter3(Func<int, int> functionToProcess) { int k = functionToProcess(10); Console.WriteLine("k = {0}", k); } }
Program 1 has three methods, the first two are void these can be used with the ‘Action’ and the third with a ‘Func’.
public class Program1 { public void ActionToPass(int x) { Console.WriteLine("x = {0}", x); } public void ActionToPass() { Console.WriteLine("a = {0}","a"); } public int FunctionToPass(int x) { return x + 45; } }
Program 2 also contains three methods, the first two are void these can be used with the ‘Action’ and the third with a ‘Func’, but their behaviors could be different.
public class Program2 { public void ActionToPass(int y) { Console.WriteLine("y = {0}", y); } public void ActionToPass() { Console.WriteLine("b = {0}","b"); } public int FunctionToPass(int x) { return x - 45; } }
Main Program
The main program can then execute the Processor methods passing in the unique program methods to handle the data differantly.
Processor processor = new Processor(); Program1 program1 = new Program1(); Program2 program2 = new Program2(); processor.loopcounter(program1.ActionToPass); processor.loopcounter(program2.ActionToPass); processor.loopcounter2(program1.ActionToPass); processor.loopcounter2(program2.ActionToPass); processor.loopcounter3(program1.FunctionToPass); processor.loopcounter3(program2.FunctionToPass);
In the output we can see how the data is handled differently due to the Actions and Func’s.
a = a a = a a = a a = a a = a b = b b = b b = b b = b b = b x = 0 x = 1 x = 2 x = 3 x = 4 y = 0 y = 1 y = 2 y = 3 y = 4 k = 55 k = -35