Using EKL to Publish Elements at the 3DPart
To publish elements at the 3DPart level we must get the VPMReference of the 3DPart, this is achieved by using the GETPLMOwner and AggregatingReference EKL Method’s. Once we have the VPMReference we can call the CreatePublication method, the first argument is the instance but in our case it’s allowed to be ‘NULL’, the second and third arguments are the Element to be published and the name of the publication.
Let iAxisSystem1 , iAxisSystem2 ( AxisSystem ) iAxisSystem1 = `Geometrical Set.1\FST_AxisSystem_1` iAxisSystem2 = `Geometrical Set.1\FST_AXisSystem_2` Let ioPart ( VPMReference ) Set ioPart = ( GetPLMOwner( iAxisSystem1 ) : VPMRepReference ).AggregatingReference : VPMReference ioPart->CreatePublication( NULL , iAxisSystem1, iAxisSystem1.Name ) ioPart->CreatePublication( NULL , iAxisSystem2, iAxisSystem2.Name )