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Syncing a Local SQLite DB With a Network DB
There are many occasions where we don’t want to constantly talk to a database across a network due to latency or chattiness A better approach maybe to have a local database that the application uses and is synchronized to the network database when required. This post will show a simple example of this using a Maria Database as the network Database and a SQLite Database as the local client database.
This builds on the last post;
NuGet Package
We will need to add System.Data.SQLite.Core to the previous project, so we can interact with a SQLite database.

SQLite Database
I downloaded SQLite Studio from the following link. Then using this application I created a new SQLite Database and set its property’s to Copy If Newer and the Build Action to Content.

Within the SQLite Database add a new table called testtable, the same as the table in the MariaDB Database with the same data structure.

Within the app.config we will add a new connection string for the SQLite database called localdb, using a relative path to the SQLite folder and database, relative to the exe.
//app.config <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <connectionStrings> <add name="testtable" connectionString="Server=localhost;Database=testdb;uid=CatiaWidget;pwd=Savannah!2"/> <add name="localdb" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLite\LocalDB.db;Version=3;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> </connectionStrings> </configuration>
The Helper class allows us to retrieve the connection string from the app.config file.
//Helper.cs using System.Configuration; namespace WPF_Dapper { public static class Helper { public static string Connection(string name) { return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[name].ConnectionString; } } }
Within the Query’s class we will add two new Query’s one to Delete all data from an SQLite table, and another to insert new data into an SQLite table.
//Querys.cs using System.Text; namespace WPF_Dapper { public static class Querys { public static string GetAllNames() { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new(); stringBuilder.Append("Select * from testtable"); return stringBuilder.ToString(); } public static string dboGetAllNames() { return "ProcGetAllNames"; } public static string dboGetAllNamesLike() { return "ProcGetAllNamesLike"; } public static string insertSQLiteTable(string iTableName,string iValues) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new(); stringBuilder.Append($"INSERT INTO {iTableName} VALUES {iValues}"); return stringBuilder.ToString(); } public static string deleteSQLiteTable(string iTableName) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new(); stringBuilder.Append($"Delete from {iTableName}"); return stringBuilder.ToString(); } } }
Data Access
Within the Data Access class, we will create new method that will perform two steps; the first to delete the table data and the second to insert the new data.
//DataAccess.cs using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SQLite; using System.Linq; using Dapper; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; namespace WPF_Dapper { public interface IDataAccess { List<DataModel> GetDataModel(string connectionName); void WriteLocalDataModel(string connectionName, List<DataModel> iDataModel); } public class DataAccess : IDataAccess { public List<DataModel> GetDataModel(string connectionName) { using (IDbConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(Helper.Connection(connectionName))) { var values = new { Param1="Gary" }; return connection.Query<DataModel>(Querys.dboGetAllNames(), values, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).ToList(); } } public void WriteLocalDataModel(string connectionName,List<DataModel> iDataModel) { using (IDbConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(Helper.Connection(connectionName))) { connection.Execute(Querys.deleteSQLiteTable("testtable")); connection.Execute(Querys.insertSQLiteTable("testtable","(@ID,@Name)"), iDataModel); } } } }
Within the MainWindow.xaml.cs we can now call the Write Local Database method passing in the List of class data, and the connection name from the app.config file.
//MainWindow.xaml.cs using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Windows; namespace WPF_Dapper { public partial class MainWindow : Window { private ObservableCollection<DataModel> _dataModels; public ObservableCollection<DataModel> DataModels { get { return _dataModels; } set { _dataModels = value; } } public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = this; TestConnection("testtable","localdb"); } private void TestConnection(string connectionName, string connectionNameLocal) { IDataAccess db = new DataAccess(); List<DataModel> datamodels = db.GetDataModel(connectionName); DataModels = new ObservableCollection<DataModel>(datamodels); db.WriteLocalDataModel(connectionNameLocal, datamodels); } } }